Android Portfolio

Nature Relaxation TV

10,000+ installations across Android TV and Amazon TV

Nature Relaxation Android TV
At request of the client, this app is no longer listed on the Google Play Store but remains available on the Amazon TV Store.

This app for Nature Relaxation™ as part of my work at App Mastery Inc. It allows users to browse the video library, play videos (using exoplayer), and perform in-app purhcases.

Libraries: RxAndroid, ExoPlayer, Retrofit, OkHttp, Picasso, Moshi, Leanback

Dekkoo TV

500+ installations

Dekkoo Android TV

This app for as part of my work at App Mastery Inc. It allows users to browse, search, and play videos from Dekkoo's video library. It supports adaptive playback using the ExoPlayer library.

Libraries: Retrofit, OkHttp, Picasso, Moshi, ExoPlayer, Leanback

The Reckoner for Android

100+ installations with a 4.8 Star rating

Reckoner for Android

This application was developed for my high school newspaper, The Reckoner of MGCI, and allows users to browse and read published articles. It fetches data from the site using Wordpress's REST API (wp-rest). Articles are displayed in a list of CardViews; individual articles are rendered by displaying custom formatted HTML inside a ScrollView.

Libraries: Gson, Firebase, Picasso, OkHttp, Butterkinife